The #Smartphone Revolution

Mobile World evolution from 2000 to the present In the opening chapter of the mobile industry we reviewed the 80s. We saw how, during those years, the first systems and mobile phone networks were launched. Alsothe first commercial mobile phone was placed on the market and mobile operators came together to create what is known as GSM. Having reached the 90s, the mobile industry made a great progress. In 1992, for example, texting appeared. Also during these years roaming agreements, those that allow us to move from one country to another and still use our phone, were signed. But undoubtedly the greatest changes happened at the end of the 90s with the arrival of data services and the first smartphones. Do you already know what's next? In this third and last chapter we are going to explain you the evolution of the mobile world from 2000 to the present. In this article we are going through the first camera phone, the appearance of apps and the creation new networks. The...