We Love You - Iran & Israel

Olvídate de las agencias de publicidad costosas. Olvídate de hablar constantemente por las redes sociales. Echa un vistazo a este chico y escucha su mensaje.
Puedes llamarlo ingenuo, soñador. Pero él hizo un montón de energía positiva en Israel con su llamado a la paz en el Oriente Medio. 

El chico, hablando con un acento muy bueno, es Ronny, de 41 años de edad. Padre, maestro, diseñador gráfico y ciudadano israelí.

Forget about expensive ad agencies. Forget about constantly talking social marketeers. Take a look at this guy and listen to his message.
You can call him naive, a dreamer. But he caused a lot of positive energy in Israel with his call for peace in the Middle East. A reaction on the serious crisis between Israel and Iran right now,
The guy, speaking with a great accent, is Ronny, 41 years old. Father, teacher, Graphic Designer and Israeli citizen.


On March 15th, I posted a poster on Facebook. The message was simple. 
Iranians. We love you. We will never bomb your country
Within 24 hours, thousands of people shared the poster on Facebook, and I started receiving messages from Iran. 
The next day, we got featured on TV and newspapers, proving that the message was traveling. Fast.
Please help us prevent this war by spreading this message. make your own posters , send this message to your friends and share it.
We are raising money in order to produce more posters and keep the movement grow.
The success isn’t like Kony but the video from Rony is already viewed over 180.000 times on YouTube and got over 22.000 likes on Facebook.
At Indiegogo Ronny started a fundraising campaign.

It is the proof that getting attention isn’t about techniques and media. It is about a great and simple idea.
Hat tip to Constantin.

We Love You Iran & Israel

We Love You Iran & Israel
We Love You Iran & Israel


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