Tipp-Ex is running “Hunter and Bear’s 2012 Birthday Party“

Tipp-Ex is running “Hunter and Bear’s 2012 Birthday Party“, a sequel to the 2010 Shoot The Bear Youtube campaign. Partying away at the Bear’s birthday bash in 2012, the Hunter and his furry friend are faced with an earth-destroying meteor in the sky above them. You can choose to end the party or keep it going by picking a year for the two to travel to, whiting out 2012 and entering the year of your choice. The campaign includes 46 different scenes, eight of which are interactive. Clues are provided at the Tipp-Ex Facebook page.

The 2012 Birthday Party campaign was developed at Buzzman, Paris, by creative director Georges Mohammed-cherif, agency manager Thomas Granger, copywriter Tristan Daltroff, art director Louis Audard, project managers Olivier Lopez and Marion Quesada, agency producers (TV) Vanessa Barbel and Elodie Poupeau, digital production managers Laurent Marcus and Julie Bourges, community managers Huber Munyazikwiye and Julien Scaglione.

Filming was shot by director Adrien Armanet via Les Télécréateurs. Web design was produced at Les 84.

Tipp-Ex Hunter Bear Year 1969

Tipp-Ex Hunter Bear Year 1989


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